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venerdì 5 ottobre 2012

Urban shows

Finally I go 'public' in an analogic way. Four of my travel drawings/sketches shall be in two different collective shows. The first, called 'Matite in Viaggio' (travelling pencils) http://www.matiteinviaggio.it/programma.php  
will take place in Mestre , near Venice, from the 5th of Oocrober to the 7th at Cenntro Candiani. The second, from the 18th of december onward, called ' Le metamorfosi del viaggiatore' - http://metamorfosidelviaggiatore.blogspot.it/
 - organized by the Italian Illustrators Association, will take place in Milan at the Credito valtellinese gallery - Palazzo delle Stelline. It's a nice late start. If you come hope you enjoy the shows.

lunedì 5 marzo 2012

black beauty

Finally I am back (it's a message for me...) after two years in which my work and my personal life washed out my love for drawing people. I have made only five drawings in 2011 but now the strength has come back. I travel often on local trains in north eastern Italy, packed with so many different people. It's a mine for portraits! I schetched this beautiful woman with her child between Padova and Venice.