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lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Street musicians

Gipsy sax player at the Piazzola sul Brenta
antique market.
National steel guitar player in front
of Pedrocchi caffè in Padova.

It's surprising the variety of music played in our cities'streets, from blues to jazz, from balcanian music to gipsy jazz, medieval and irish music, folk and new age. I have done it myself many years ago. I remember busking for fun 40 years ago in Edinburgh and in Venice, right under San Marco's square tower. Some players are very good some are average,  but it's always delightful to hear them play while you are walking around, it's like having an urban sound track as acconpaniament to your footsteps.

lunedì 15 aprile 2013

Diari di viaggio. Ferrara 12-14 aprile 2013

Springtime gave its blessing to this nice, warm and friendly event in Ferrara. It was nice meeting all the people of the association 'Autori di diari di viaggio' at Palazzo Racchetta in the Ferrara's Ghetto and all the artists who came for the sketchcrawl. Nice to draw toghether crawling trough the streets of the Ferrara: the castle and bycicle city, the city of Cappellacci di zucca and Salama da sugo (also renowed for its excellent univeristy of law). I was proud to show my carnets de vie and my 'carnet collage' panel at the exhibit among so many brilliant artistes de carnet de voyage. I have drawn some, walked a lot, ate very well at the Osteria del Ghetto and slept like a baby at 'le stanze di Torcicoda' thanks to Pietro and to the apple cake of his sister. Looking forward to next year.

out of focus Savonarola statue near the Castle

the jewish cemetery

the event poster by Silvia and roberto Cariani

at the osteria del ghetto
my carnets de vie

the carnet de vie panel at the show

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Smartphones? Or not?

young girl catched in the waiting room of the dance school. So concentrated on  her mother's smartphone. Will our children become more smart?

mangiare e bere - trattorie italiane # 1 - all'Anfora

trattorie  italiane #1 - All'Anfora- Padova
The first drawing of a series on the italian 'Trattorie'.
I try to catch the spirit and the taste of the 'family' cooking. L'Anfora is an historical place in Padova, it has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. It sits just behind Piazza delle Erbe, near the Ghetto, in the heart of the ancient city. People behind the counter and waiters are friendly as the food and wine they serve. Alberto runs it in a very offhand way, you often see him with a glass in his hand talking to his friends/customers.
People of the neighbouring shops go there every day for lunch and often gather around a big table as if they were inthe family dining room. You feel at home and the menu is made up mainly of local dishes.